Как изменить фото в инстаграме после публикации

В Instagram теперь можно редактировать описания уже опубликованных фотографий

Компания Instagram выпустила обновленную версию своего одноименного мобильного приложения.

Одним из нововведений стала доработанная страница «Поиск». Теперь она разделена на две вкладки. Одна из них предназначена для поиска фотографий, а вторая позволяет найти учетные записи пользователей. Вместе с тем, были перерисованы иконки страниц «Поиск» и «Профиль».

Также была добавлена возможность редактирования размещенных ранее записей пользователя. Сами фотографии редактировать нельзя (возможно, такая функция появится в будущих обновлениях приложения). Но в случае необходимости можно отредактировать описание фотографии или изменить место съемки. Ранее при обнаружении ошибок в описании приходилось мириться с ними или же удалять фотографии и публиковать их заново с корректным описанием. Для редактирования сведений снимка нужно открыть его и кликнуть по кнопке с изображением трех точек. В открывшемся меню будет доступен пункт «Редактировать».

Новая версия приложения Instagram 6.2 для iOS уже доступна в магазине Apple App Store. Для платформы Android в магазине Google Play все еще предлагается версия Instagram 6.1.

Источник: Instagram

Help Center

When you share a photo or video to your story, you can use creative tools to help capture and edit them.

Taking photos and videos

  • On iPhone, you'll automatically see when your phone detects darkness. Tap it to take better photos and videos in the dark.
  • To take a photo or video with a face filter, tap then select a filter at the bottom of the screen. When using the front or back-facing camera, the filter you choose will automatically appear on the closest person’s face. Face filters also work while using Boomerang, Hands-Free and Rewind, and some filters work with two faces at once. Keep in mind that face filters aren't supported on some older devices.
  • To zoom while recording a video, tap and hold with one finger to start recording, then slide up or down using that same finger.

  • Tap Boomerang at the bottom of the screen, then tap the circle at the bottom to take a burst of photos that loops forward and backward.

  • To take a video without having to tap and hold, swipe left at the bottom of the screen and tap Hands-Free. From there you can tap to start recording a video, or tap and hold to see a timer that counts down before recording.

  • To record a video that plays in reverse, first tap Rewind at the bottom of the screen. From there, tap and hold to take a video, or tap once to record hands-free.

  • To record a video that automatically zooms in on an object and plays a dramatic sound, tap Superzoom at the bottom of the screen. Tap anywhere on the screen to select an area or object to zoom in on, then tap the circle at the bottom to start recording.

  • On iPhone, tap Stop-Motion to make a video using a series of individual photos. Tap the circle to take your first photo, then keep tapping to take additional photos. You can tap and hold the last photo you've taken to see an overlay preview and align your next photo. When you're finished, tap Done to see your stop-motion video.

  • On iPhone, you can switch between front and rear-facing cameras while recording a video. Tap and hold to start recording, then tap .

You can also upload a photo or video you've taken. Swipe up from the bottom of the camera screen then select from your phone's library.

Editing photos and videos

To add a filter to your photo or video, swipe left or right after taking it.

You can also tap the following creative tools at the top of the screen:

Tap to add stickers. From there, you can:

  • Rotate and resize a sticker by using two fingers to pinch and zoom.

  • Add a sticker with your location by searching for or selecting nearby options. When people see your story, they'll be able to tap the sticker and view the page for that location.
  • Add a sticker with a hashtag. When people see your story, they'll be able to tap the sticker and view the page for the hashtag you enter.
  • Add an interactive poll sticker to write out your own question and customize the answers. When people see your story, they'll be able to respond by tapping one of the two options you've provided. Once you publish your poll to your story, your followers can vote and see realtime results. When you view your own story and swipe up to see the list of viewers, you'll be able to see how many votes each option received and how each person voted. Keep in mind that since polls are part of stories, the content will disappear after 24 hours.

  • Add custom stickers that appear automatically based on your current location. Currently, these stickers are only available in certain cities. When people see your story, they'll be able to tap the sticker and view the page for that location. Some stickers have been designed by artists in the creative community. You can tap these stickers to see who designed them.
  • Add a sticker with things like the current time or weather conditions. These stickers are based on information from your device and your current location.

  • Add a sticker with a selfie by tapping the sticker with your profile picture and taking a photo. You can tap the sticker for more options.

  • Pin stickers to a fixed spot in your video. After taking a video, add a sticker, then tap it and hold. Use the slider bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll through the video to find where you want to pin the sticker. Move the sticker and tap Pin.

  • Find your recently used stickers by swiping right.

  • Delete a sticker by dragging and dropping it on at the bottom of the screen.

Tap to add text. From there, you can:

  • Add emoji.

  • Adjust text size up or down by tapping and using the slider.
  • Center text or align left or right by tapping .
  • Rotate and resize the text by using two fingers to pinch and zoom.

  • Choose a text color by tapping the colors at the at the bottom of the screen. Swipe to see more colors, or tap and hold a circle to choose a custom color.

  • Add a color background to text by tapping at the top of the screen and selecting a color.
  • Pin text to a fixed spot in your video. After taking a video, add text, then tap it and hold. Use the slider bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll through the video to find where you want to pin the text. Move the text and tap Pin.

  • Tap again to add another section of text.
  • Type @ then enter someone's username to mention them.

Tap to draw on your photo or video. From there, you can:

  • Choose between marker, chisel-tip, neon and eraser brushes from the options at the top of the screen.

  • Adjust the line thickness by tapping in the bottom left and using the slider.
  • Choose a color to draw with by tapping the colors at the bottom of the screen. Swipe left to see more colors, or tap and hold a circle for more color options. You can also tap and drag and drop it to select a color from your photo or video.

Instagram Help Center

To add or change your profile picture:

  1. Go to your profile by tapping
  2. Tap Edit Profile > Change Profile Photo
  3. Select where you'd like to import your picture from
  4. Click Done

You can take a new photo or add a photo from your phone's photo library, Facebook or Twitter. If you choose to import from Facebook or Twitter, Instagram will use the same picture you're already using for that social network.

By default, anyone can view your profile and posts on Instagram. You can make your posts private so that only followers you approve can see them. If your posts are set to private, only your approved followers will see them in the Photos tab of Search & Explore or on hashtag or location pages. Posts can't be set to private from a desktop computer.

To set your posts to private from the Instagram app on iOS:

  1. Go to your profile by tapping
  2. Tap
  3. Turn on the Private Account setting

Things to keep in mind about private posts:

  • Private posts you share to social networks may be visible to the public depending on your privacy settings for those networks. For example, a post you share to Twitter that was set to private on Instagram may be visible to the people who can see your Twitter posts.
  • Once you make your posts private, people will have to send you a follow request to see your posts, your followers list or your following list.

  • Follow requests appear in Activity, where you can approve or ignore them.
  • If someone was already following before you set your posts to private and you don't want them to see your posts, you can block them.

If you're logged out of your account and can't remember your password, you can request to reset it.

If you know your current password, you can change it:

  1. Go to your profile by tapping
  2. Tap (iOS) or (Android) in the top right
  3. Scroll down and tap Change Password
  4. Enter your old password and then your new password
  5. Tap Done or in the top right

Tip: To create a strong password, use a combination of at least six numbers, letters and punctuation marks (like ! and %).

Как отредактировать подпись к публикации в Инстаграм

Если вы допустили какую-то нелепую ошибку в подписи к фото или видео в Инстаграме (с кем не бывает!) или упустили что-то важное, что обязательно нужно сообщить подписчикам, то текст можно изменить. Да-да, подпись к публикации в Инстаграм можно легко отредактировать!

Честно говоря, я о такой функции узнала совсем недавно (раньше ее в помине не было, а я и привыкла жить без нее), поэтому теперь спешу сообщить вам, конечно. А все началось с того, что я часто стала замечать слово «отредактировано» под фотографиями друзей.

Итак, чтобы изменить самый первый комментарий к публикации (который ваш), зайдите в нее и нажмите на кнопочку в виде трех точек (она находится внизу справа). Выберите пункт «изменить».

Теперь вы можете переписать или дописать свой текст, а также добавить его, если до этого его не было вообще. Обратите внимание, что здесь же можно поменять местоположение, которые вы ранее поставили к публикации или добавить его, если местоположения не было вовсе. Также можно отметить пользователей на снимке. В общем, полностью отредактировать описание к своей фотографии или видео.

Для примера я добавила три рыбки-смайлика. Как видите, сообщение под картинкой изменилось.

Теперь, если ваши друзья захотят зайти во все комментарии под фоткой, они увидят надпись «отредактировано» возле первого сообщения. Это значит, что вы изменили свой комментарий.

Расскажи друзьям. Им понравится!

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